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Old 06-02-2014, 11:37 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: Puget Sound WA area
Posts: 300

First, let me say your daughter's quilt is beautiful!

My first sewing machine was the Brother Project Runway LB-6800-PRW (same as SE-400, which is the non PRW). It was a combo sewing/embroidery machine. It could SEW great (and the little 4" embroidery was fun, too). Made lots of projects. Lots of bells and whistles for the price ($350-$500 depending on if you buy new or refurbished).

HOWEVER, AS FAR AS QUILTING is concerned, it could piece just fine .... but my 1st quilting class was a quilt-as-you go "Cotton Theory" method where I would fold and sew multiple layers - and this little brother couldn't handle it all, even with a walking foot (which I hated). The stitches were very inconsistent and it could NOT go up and over the layer bumps/intersections. The instructor tried as well, and after numerous failed attempts, asked the store to pull out a PFAFF Ambition for me.

What a difference! The Pfaff sewed through all layers without any problem or hesitation whatsoever. Perfect, beautiful, even, consistent stitches. PLUS, it has a BUILT-IN walking foot the I could engage with a push of a lever. PLUS I was able to use a quilting 1/4" foot at the same time. I traded in my Brother on the spot. The Pfaff Ambition 1.0 was $700 - so a little more, but I am so glad I changed.

If your daughter is only going to sew or piece, almost any machine that can sew a straight stitch well, will do the job. But if she plans to do quilting - especially the fold-and-go or quilt-as-you go method that requires sewing through multiple layers, she may want to consider a more robust machine. I would highly recommend looking at models with built-in walking foot (Pfaffs is known as "IDT"), and larger throat space, which will cost more than the models sold on Amazon, Costco, JoAnne, Wal-Mart, etc. You/she will need to look at your local Sewing machine dealer and test drive a few. Most will provide free machine usage classes.

This was my experience - hope it helps! Good luck!

Last edited by icul8rg8r; 06-02-2014 at 11:41 PM.
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