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Old 06-04-2014, 05:19 AM
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Thank you so very much for posting the pages the instructions are on. I just had someone write to me asking for them and told her someone here might be able to help. It is wonderful that someone has kept track for all of us!

I am frantically working on the last of my three round robins I was sent. I got them all in one week and its surely put a halt to any projects I might have worked on. I will try to get a picture of the last two I had maybe Jan can post them if I cant. My camera is old and not working as well as I like it. grr.

I then will get to my quilt which is a simple round of four patch. I decided it needed some calming down and truthfully I didn't want to completely burn out before it is done. A round robin is nice because well.. you do one round and pass it on you wont always end up with what you would have liked but overall.. it works out rather well. Think I am finishing my 5th or 6th one at least. phew! then it will be off to trying a row robin. You do an entire row for someone based on their theme. It could be very interesting. I am always open to new ideas so why don't you post any you have for us to try! I am all ears and bet so many others are also. Its a good way to experiment safely. its your own quilt lol. if you have a good idea for a quilt that many of us can make at the same time why not share it? this way we quilt along, share ideas, colors fabrics etc and its a fun experience and a new learning experience for us all. I will gladly post it if you want to send it to me to approve or if your brave why not post it here and see what the waters hold for it? Post pictures! We LOVE PICTURES! (especially those of us with rotten cameras!)
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