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Old 06-05-2014, 02:54 AM
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Originally Posted by citruscountyquilter View Post
I have to be careful sewing does not become addictive at the expense of all other things. It could very easily become that way for me and since I'm retired now my time is less clock specific. Before I know it I've spent the day either sewing or planning a project and the day is gone. I don't want to be so one dimensional so have to put the brakes on sewing sometimes. I must admit however I am a happier person when I can sew some.
Thank you for your thoughts. I have thought of this from time to time as I look toward retirement in a couple of years. I was wondering if this my passion would become a single focus and that I would become a hermit happily quilting along and not getting out with others. I am a single, so it could be easy to just slip into my sewing area and not come out very often. Thanks for the reminder that balance in all things is healthy.
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