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Old 06-05-2014, 05:59 AM
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Join Date: Mar 2013
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I'm with you Tessagin. Even though they're his friends, you should have some "ME" time on the trip, too.

MY DH is a guitarist, so wherever we go, we always end up at a music store, sometimes for hours (yes, he is the same way about his guitars as I am about my sewing machines <LOL>). So we came to an agreement many years ago -- for every music store we visit, we visit a quilt store. Because he is a creative person, he found he enjoys looking at the quilts displayed in the stores. Because he is a people person, he loves meeting and talking to people. It's a win/win for both of us.

Originally Posted by tessagin View Post
We're DH and I are making a trip to Missouri in August to visit some friends of his. Hamilton is supposedly about an hour away. Told DH I wanted to go while we were there or on our way to see his friends. He stated they already had plans for us. Back up the truck!. If I have to leave a day early so be it. I will rent a car if I have to. I plan on spending a day and some money and meeting Jenny or even one of the family.
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