Old 06-09-2014, 07:56 AM
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Location: In God's Kingdom in Tennessee
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Rosemary, a cousin of mine in Chicago said they have lots of bushes, and some trees that died due to the severe weather. Here where I live in East Tn. we didn't get that much snow, but did get extreme cold weather. She thinks that is what may have killed mine. I live higher up too so I guess that is possible. I am going to have to get my son over with his chain saw to do some cutting down for me.

My pincushion will not be going out today, because I forgot that we are going for my Rhuematologist appointment shortly, and I will be by 2 different fabric shops I love, so I want to wait until after that so if I see any goodies that I might add.

Well everyone have a good day.
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