Thread: Labels
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Old 06-13-2014, 02:48 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Mooresville, NC
Posts: 660

This is a good label - lots of information - I would even add more but then I'm a little OCD!! At the very least, add to whom (full name), from whom (full name), occasion or at least a year and where made. I sure do wish I had a family quilt (I was told my maternal great grandmother quilted but haven't seen a single one). As the family genealogist I would treasure any family heirloom which. Came with info about the who, where, when, etc. I have lots of things that just say "about 75 years old, from Grandma ..." Tells me nothing. I always remember the saying "anonymous was a lady".

Sandy in Mooresville, NC - getting warmer, but at least I'm not in Phoenix anymore!!!
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