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Old 06-14-2014, 11:17 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Jan 2013
Location: Kansas City, MO
Posts: 255

The singer store will have oil and grease (hopefully). They are two different things and not interchangeable and not the same as motor grease. A lot of the folks on the board use tri-flow which can sometimes be found at auto-parts stores and bicycle shops relitively inexpensively. Tri-flow makes a bottle labeled for sewing machines but it's the same stuff no matter where you find it. Put a drop oil anywhere metal touches metal on the top side and a bit of grease on the gears underneath to start. The belt should have a bit of give in it, too tight and it will drag on the motor causing premature wear. You just want it tight enough that it grips the handwheel to turn it. If you're unsure on that one take it to your LSMS and just ask them to help you adjust it. It's an easy adjustment but it never hurts to have someone who has done it before show you how. Good luck!
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