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Old 06-20-2014, 06:47 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Location: Aberdeen, Scotland
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Originally Posted by Wintersewer View Post
We have to consider what goes into pricing. Many things are cheaper in the USA because our government (TAXPAYERS) does not pay for so many things , for example health care and higher education. Although it seems like many many people look to the government (taxpayers) to provide so many things, compared to lots of other countries it does not.

There was a discussion about costs of higher education on one of my groups a few years ago, and I came to realize that those countries which provide "Free" health care and college, have much higher prices in general. As we all know nothing is free....the question is WHO pays, and WHEN. I can't recall which country we were discussing, but while they had astronomical fabric prices, college was "Free". And the gals from there decried our college costs, while we Americans decried their fabric costs.

This is NOT(!!!!!!) a political discussion....just a statement of differences.....I'm NOT saying which is "BEST". It's just a statement of facts as "I" see them. Maybe some of you who have such high fabric costs would check in with what your government (Taxpayers) provides for it's citizens.
Absolutely agree. We pay a fortune for fabric but the upside is my children have all had their university education free and if we are sick we don't have to pay medical bills. Because of this I don't mind our higher prices.
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