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Old 06-21-2014, 03:00 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: May 2012
Location: Kansas
Posts: 140

Thank you for seeing a very pretty quilt and taking it to a good home! I wish I could find things like that.
I was thankful for white sheets and pieces of fabric found there last year when making Christmas costumes
for a church with lots of kids. This was their first Christmas program and they were surprised that they had
new costumes for it. I helped a lady who attended that church make 27 costumes and had a marathon sewing
the night before the my church basement....two of us and an angel friend who came and did handwork from 8 PM to 2 AM.....and I finished the last hem at 8:30 AM...the program was at 10:30 and she had 15 miles
to go to get them their. She even made crowns for the kings out of gold paper and glued on jewels. It was
fun but I was too tired to make it to my church service that day!
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