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Old 06-22-2014, 04:06 AM
patchy-at-best's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Brissy, Australia
Posts: 84

Sue, I don't think that's correct, not double anyway. Our cost of living is so high it well and truly negates the difference in wages. Average house prices in Australia are at 1/2 million, fuel (gas) is $1.79 a litre and a loaf of bread is around $4.00.
Add to that so much available here from the US is heaped with profit for importers. Eg. Recently I wanted to buy a particular quilting ruler. Only one shop in the whole country sells them, I paid $119 for it. You guys can buy the same ruler in Walmart for $13. Even the manufacturer wouldn't send it to me, too much trouble to package it. When new fabric lines come out, we either have to buy from the States and pay a bomb in postage, or HOPE that we'll eventually get it $28m.
Friends recently went to the States on a quilty buying frenzy. We did the sums when they got back to see what it would've cost here, and the shocking truth was they saved on average 70% on Aussie prices. Pretty steep!!!!
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