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Old 06-22-2014, 07:38 AM
patchy-at-best's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Brissy, Australia
Posts: 84

Gee Ann, I'm pretty sure they're discussing the unusually high price of one line of fabric. I'm giving you an example of how we pay triple your USUAL price, yet you don't see where I'm coming from? I'm not asking for sympathy, its just sometimes nice to understand the relative comparisons globally. I feel sorry for friends in Europe who pay even more than us AND have even less access to great stuff. No matter what I pay, I'm lucky to have 6 fabric stores close by even if I can't access all the stuff you guys can.
I'll give you another example of our kooky world. A quilty friend in Germany wanted to buy a well known, big brand German made product. She couldn't find it anywhere so she emailed the company. Nope, made in Germany but shipped to the US, she'd have to buy it online from the US. How dumb is that? The internets opened up the world to us, but only 'sort of' lol.
I meant no offence by saying stop complaining. I meant we should sometimes find the bright side to chuckle about. Now I'm interested to know what WE'D pay here for the fabric in question, probably $40m....ugh!!! (Is it even pretty??)

On a side note, you may be interested to know we pay about the same as you guys for precuts. Shopping on the net I can buy jelly rolls here for $35 - $38. Begs the question 'why'??? Thoughts?
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