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Old 06-22-2014, 08:22 AM
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Join Date: May 2011
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Excellent changes! And the more we ask for what we want the more often the word gets to the chef/owner that we would like the option of having a meal out, not a banquet for a small nation.
I've had friends from overseas actually take photos of restaurant meals, they can't believe the size of the portions.

One portion that has always stuck in my mind, for 'you can't eat just one' 8 chips is a portion. 100 calories.
I just went to look at Robs pack and it now says 15 is a portion...but 160 calories.

IrishRose, if you've been weighing in with you cast on, I'm all for weighing in with it off. Happy healing!

Today's wildlife on my morning walk wasn't too exotic. The neighbors cat in the field weighing her points options, and two wild bunnies, and a red and black moth/butterfly. 9:30 and I'm up to 4456 steps. Yesterday was over 12K...I doubt I ever do that again

Power on ladies!

edited to add: re: carpal tunnel. Today is day 9 and the first day I can use rotary cutter without some pain. I wouldn't get out fabric and cut a project, but I can trim my paper piecing houses. I've been able to use big scissors since day 4 I think.

Last edited by KalamaQuilts; 06-22-2014 at 08:35 AM.
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