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Old 06-23-2014, 07:42 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Manitoba
Posts: 281

I ended up doing wavy lines horizontally and vertically. Glad I didn't do anymore. When we went yesterday to give it to yesterday, she laid it on the bed over the ugliest comforter you have ever seen, she said it looked nice then folded it up and said she would use it for summer. (It was about 85 degrees here yesterday). I was so hurt. But my chore is done and she will NEVER get anything homemade from me again. Actually, it is my husband's mother, so he can pick out any cards, gifts from now on. I might add that I did it because she had sights on the quilt that took me a few years of hand piecing and there was no way i heck she was getting that one. Thanks for all the help.
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