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Old 06-26-2014, 05:28 AM
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Originally Posted by maviskw View Post
You could do this same thing with the fabric and donate it to a nursing home, abused women's shelter, hospital or assisted living center. We just had a project for a women's and children's shelter. We did put batting in them, but I think the batting was donated. We had a huge roll of it, and we all used from the roll.

Humans can always use that sort of thing, also.
I have donated a few small quilts to the Linus Project; I think that focuses mostly on children & teenagers. I don't know of any local programs that are specifically for gathering up quilts for adults & seniors...there should be one!

My DH's grandmother lived in a local nursing home for awhile before she passed away; my FIL still volunteers there. I had him ask if they would like some donated quilts and they said no! No specific reason given, (at least not one that made it back to me) just no thanks. I think that is so weird, but maybe they don't want to be responsible for them or have had bad experiences somehow. Or maybe they won't have enough to go around and don't want any individuals to feel left out? I kind of want to call over and ask them about it myself, out of curiosity if nothing else. (Maybe he asked someone who was in a grumpy mood, or didn't understand the offer?) It's a nice facility overall but those places need all the help they can get to feel cheerful and homey!
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