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Old 06-27-2014, 01:43 PM
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Join Date: May 2011
Location: SW Washington USA
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Oh Irish. Doctors. Pffpft. Scared to death someone is going to sue them so they go WAY overboard the other direction.
How about on your 14th or/and 15th day call when the office opens and ask for a emergency appointment space. I'm with Kaiser and they always have those but you have to be fast on the dial. Personally I think the state of your cast IS an emergency.

I managed to not lose my temper today, not once. I was going to reward myself with a dixie cup of those malted milkball easter eggs I have buried in the freezer. I got a Dannon light and fit greek yogurt instead. They are quite thick so I can take some time over each spoonful, sort of like an ice cream cone.
I'm going to try freezing one.

I have a bunch of walking photos on my camera. I hate how windows 8 works so there they sit, undownloaded
I was wondering today, did any of you grow up on a country place/farm? My favorite playing place was under HUGE trees, just like my own little mini house. I have a (creepy) neighbor who has a grove of fir in his front yard and underneath looks like a great place to go hide out from the world. I won't, but it makes me smile to think I could.

I've walked 2.16 miles so far today, that 5438 steps. Hardly anywhere near the 'healthy' goal of 10000. Better than none I say!
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