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Old 06-29-2014, 06:36 AM
Junior Member
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Posts: 205

If you're coming to visit me, please don't use Google or any of the other mapfinders. You better follow my directions or you will find yourself going off the side of a mountain! If you look on Googlemaps, my house and road are about a quarter mile off target. Now if you use the satellite view, you can find my house, well at least you can see the woods where my house is located! And the directions you get from n-line sources aren't always that good either. A few years ago my nephew was coming to visit. I told him the way to come that would have him on the interstate and then a 4-lane highway until the last 17miles. But, no, what does an old lady aunt know? He used his phone for mapping and went through every little small town at the base of our mountains- added who knows how many miles to his trip and he was over an hour late getting here! And, before you ask, yes, I do use Google when I'm going some place I'm not familiar with, but I usually pull out a paper map and double check it before I leave home. Sometimes those "direct" routes take you through areas you don't want to be in!
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