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Old 07-02-2014, 03:55 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Mar 2014
Location: USA
Posts: 174

Does anyone who has worked with these Japanese clone machines have an idea of how difficult it would be to fix/find parts/accessories? Do you think it would be possible to find feet for them (I'm having trouble getting an idea of what kind they take, hopefully your generic slant/non-slant etc. would work). I've never fixed up a machine before, so that's why I'm really unsure what I'm getting into. I've also found a Brother Select-o-Matic that's pretty nice looking, though doesn't have the "it" factor that the American Beauty I posted does. Something about that machine just draws me to it. My concern stems from that I can even find any American Beauty Machines on eBay to learn more about them. Or if I should scoop it up now (if I can get a much better price) and hold onto it until I can figure things out.
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