Old 12-28-2009, 08:58 AM
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: wisconsin
Posts: 60

Ladies, I am waiting on the software and have read the thread...how helpful!!!You are angels,especially you, Klue. My question, since I haven't bought fabric yet is this. I am thinking about doing the civil war fabrics (nice link to the new Moda, Klue), and I am considering doing cw shirting as my background in the blocks...I hope I'm using the right terminology here...so here is what I need some imput on, since I will be going to buy fabric after purusing the software

...since I want my quilt to be cw fabric...would I be crazy to just order the Moda jellyroll of it, to sort of get me started? I could practice some piecing while I plan/buy more fabric later. Bad idea?
...is the fat-quarter package what I should get? Any suggestions?
...can I just buy other cw fatquarters as time goes on?
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