Thread: Hexagon Quilts
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Old 07-22-2014, 08:29 PM
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Originally Posted by craftygater View Post
I posted the below on a previous thread. I haven't tried it yet but when I do hexi's I plan on using this method. It really does look easy. Thinking about it - I wonder if you use batting in each circle before folding it and stitching, when you are done it would be like a QYAG method. Use batting cut in the hexi shape. After you stitch them together you would have the three layers, front center and back. Assemble and you are done. You could even quilt each hexi individually if you wanted to this way.

On Quilting Arts episode 1308 called Quilting Simplified, Julia Woods shows how to do hexies from circles-no templates or papers/plastic needed. If I decide to do hexies I am doing it this way. Also due to weight I would think batting would not be needed unless you want a VERY warm quilt. She also has a book that shows this method. It is easy enough if you watch the show that the book probably wouldn't be needed unless you need more instructions or the patterns.
I seen a posting from Eddie a couple days ago about folding a hexi over a smaller hexi that has batting the same size as the small hexi so it turned out as a QAYG, I'm going to try that one as soon as I think I'm smart enough
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