Old 07-25-2014, 08:58 AM
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Originally Posted by sval View Post
Yes, they do open all the way down the back. So, no, don't really need to be stretchy. I just haven't found anything to bind the neck edge with that looks good. The prepackaged bias binding is so rough looking. I cut some bias of the same fabric yesterday that I am going to try and leave tails to tie. But then wasn't sure what to do with the tail as it extends beyond the neck edge. And certainly don't want a knot at the end.

Unfortunately no instructions came with the paper pattern. So am basically winging it.
When we made gowns like this, we used spaghetti ribbon to sew into the neck edge with a large needle to stitch up and down (about 1/4 inch stitches), just below the sewn hem. Leave the ends long enough to tie, then you can tie a bow, or it you leave them a little longer, they can be brought around to the front to tie. Do the same at the cuffs. This way each is adjustable to the size of the baby. We used bright colored solids, baby prints, florals, and plaids (for boys) and each was treasured by the receiver. When the bows are tied, they create a ruffle effect. You can also attach the ribbons to the back and stitch around to the front, putting a couple snaps in the back.
Since durability is not an issue, the ribbons are just threaded through the actual fabric. Clear as mud, right? PM me if you need pictures and I will whip one up to show you. Takes about 15 minutes each. Our pattern had raglan sleeves, so easy peasy.

Last edited by madamekelly; 07-25-2014 at 09:05 AM.
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