Thread: So Upset!
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Old 07-26-2014, 04:58 AM
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i had a friend come over to sew with her puppy, and it chewed through my foot pedal cord. She owns a quilt shop and is an authorized dealer for Pfaff machines. She used electrical tape and just taped my cord back together. Then she offered to replace my foot pedal, but I wanted to keep it as a souvenir. It's been tapped together for about 6 years now, and works perfectly. The cord is made up of 2 separate wires covered with rubber. Make sure and separate the wires before you tape them. If you get the wires mixed up, right one on left side or left one on right side, the machine will start sewing as soon as you turn it on. Just reverse the wires and then it will be fine. Electrical tape is not what you would call cheap, but it is a whole lot cheaper than a new foot pedal.
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