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Old 07-29-2014, 06:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Bobblehead View Post
I saw a quilt at a show that had a thin ribbon stitched in the seams between the blocks horizontally and vertically. What is the foot that feeds the ribbon and sews at the same time? I have a Brother sewing/embroidery machine.
I've seen the feet demonstrated, but never used one on a sewing machine. This can also be accomplished with speciality feet on a basic serger, like my old workhorse White Superlock 534. Check out some of the videos at Nancy's Notions. This website features the feet for sewing machines. Sometimes the feet can be found where sergers are sold. About 25 yrs. ago, I took a serger class at a local college where the instructor taught how to couch ribbon, sequins, and beading while making a sample pillow. Stop by a store and browse the serger instruction books or check out your local library. The feet for sewing machines and sergers are not interchangeable. Hope you have fun!
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