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Old 08-03-2014, 07:26 AM
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Join Date: Jul 2013
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Originally Posted by Pam S
I made the Hoarders remark to my son recently about my sewing room. He said "Mom, it isn't a health or safety hazard yet and the rest of the house is great so don't worry, just close the door." Made me feel a whole lot better.
That's my theory! My room is messy and cluttered and I like it that way. It's a functional room with lots of shelves and boxes for fabrics (all arranged by color) and yardage hung in the closets. I have been working at using up what I have and most of my projects the last few years have been made with fabrics from my stash. I'm not a big "go in and clean it all up at one time" type of person. For one thing, I work full time and have several other passions besides sewing. Most of my sewing time is on weekends, so if I decide to do a big clean up it means all my spare time for a few weeks ends up going to the cleanup. Not for me. I sort and put away a little here and there and try to make sure I don't add to the mess. The rest is not so bad and I just ignore it. LOL
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