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Old 08-05-2014, 02:40 PM
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Join Date: Mar 2013
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As long as the cases are in a molding environment they will continue to mold. You can always increase the ratio but if you can bring them up out of the basement and into a dryer environment, you will be better off. If you're working in that environment you should be wearing a type of breathing apparatus.. Vinegar is a fruit based liquid. Fruit molds. Maybe you could get a dehumidifier. I would definitely find the source of the mold. You can become very ill in that environment. If you have that kind of mold in your basement you definitely need to have the rest of your house checked out especially if you and any member have had breathing issues or any other kind of issues.
Originally Posted by J Miller View Post

Are you sure 1/4 cup bleach to 5 gal of water is enough? I ask because I have a very bad situation of molding sewing machine cases too.

Grey / blue mold. I've tried white vinegar, and a spray that kills black mold, but the stuff on my cases just keeps coming back. Sadly they are in the basement and that's a mold factory. I'm gradually getting as many machines out of there as I can, but the only place for them is the garage and I don't know if that's any better.

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