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Old 08-06-2014, 09:12 PM
Join Date: Aug 2014
Posts: 3
Red face Hello from Kansas City :)

Hey everyone!

I'm from Kansas City and have decided to try to take on quilting! I've been interested in it since I was a teenager, but am just now getting around to trying it in my early 30's. I have dabbled in sewing but am in no way close to being an expert. I was looking for an online community to get newbie help from and inspiration! I have so far bought the fabric for my first project, and will post pictures as soon as I begin on it.

My only concern is that this seems like it will be an expensive hobby. Today, I was looking for quilt finishing services in my area, and while .015 an inch doesn't seem like a lot, that adds up to 80 bucks for a throw! I might only ever finish the one quilt if I don't figure out how to do that part myself. I guess I'll start saving up my Joann's coupons and try to penny pinch in other areas...

How do you guys save money quilting? Do you invest in the quilting machine and dedicate a room in your house to it, or just do the finishing by hand? Perhaps it's more expensive because I'm in a city to use a quilting service? As of now, by hand seems to be my best option, but I'm not sure if I'll ever finish one that way... eeeek.

Anyway, nice to be here. Excited to learn, excited to create!

Last edited by kimsei; 08-06-2014 at 09:18 PM.
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