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Old 08-17-2014, 06:45 PM
June Lynn
Join Date: Aug 2014
Location: Kannapolis, NC
Posts: 5
Default My new sewing area

Previously, I had an old typewriter table for my sewing machine and some kind of table for my serger that I found at G'Will or someplace. I finally made this layout from a photo I had seen. And I was on a budget. The tables are standard 2 x 4's which I painted which my neighbor put together for me. He also made the tables for me to my height specification. We found Bamboo flooring at the RESTORE (one box open, one box unopened) and from that he made my table top. He said he could make table tops from it, so I bought them.

I found the Sterilite containers at WALMART under the desks - 3 drawer, marked down AFTER the 'back to school' rush last year. I got the blue hue so the contents was somewhat hidden. I store most of my fabric stash in those container, they really do the job. I do have a chair, of course, but removed it for the photos. I hung cross stitch and certificates on the wall. I've had some of that cross stitch for ages. I am hoping to make a wall quilt soon for the very right wall. I have a kitty that loves to sit by the windows. He has a special box covered in fleece that he sits in to sleep and look out the window....

I have a small house and limited storage. I try to keep "clutter" down so as to keep the room looking tidy. I have a large, very large, very wide bookcase on the wall you cannot see and that really helps too. Enjoy the photos!
Attached Thumbnails 10-8-sewing-room-52-.jpg   10-6-table-top-1-640x480-.jpg   2nd-bdrm-2-640x480-.jpg  
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