Old 08-23-2014, 05:55 PM
Power Poster
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Long Island
Posts: 24,820

Everrything i just wrote disappeared. poof* it's gone!

So sorry to hear about the girls, hope they find this one from Tuesday. such a shame and so scary too.

Sorry about them nasty bugs. That's scary on a different level. And those Palmetto bug. ick!! Up here in New york we call 'em roaches. And people race thenm and keep them as pets. They need their head examined.

Was over at the knitter paradise, same format as we used to have. Some are quilters and were looking for a place to hang when they weren't knitting, so I invited them over here. Hope they come. I see we have a few newbies. Good.
welcome everyone and lets have some fun. And a big thankyou to our wonderful hostess for hosting again. thanks again Karen.

We are getting into heavy hurricane weather up here too. Sandy took us all for a big hit. Lets hope everything blows out to sea this year and everyone stays safe. They scare the bejebes out of me. I'm scared of trees falling onto my house/ condo. We've had less than normal temps this year, but lots of humidity. everyone, have a great night.
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