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Old 08-24-2014, 09:54 AM
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Originally Posted by Jeanette Frantz View Post
My son recently purchased a Singer 403A, which has a lever that raises the needle plate making fmq possible. I've sewn on the machine very little, but I can tell you that I LOVE it! My son got this machine at the Goodwill store locally for a mere $41. The machine "smells" new. It was and is so clean, with no dried-up oil on it, and it sews like a dream, and very quietly, too!

I bought this machine when I graduated nursing school in 1959 and it has many a mile on it. I was really into garment and home dec then. When sewing with knits became the rage I was ready to throw it out an upstairs window. Singer never could fix it but a machine repairman said it needed a special take up for the thread which he added with success. He also told me to never sell it because it was the last machine Singer made with all medal parts. I still have it but haven't used it in years.
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