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Old 08-26-2014, 10:29 AM
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Nawth o' Boston
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I vote for the redo - unless you can take tucks in it at the corners if the corners are mitered?
I was taught to measure for the first pair of borders at top, midpoint and bottom width of quilt, and AVERAGE - do not take the highest number! Once that pair of borders had been cajoled into position, then do the same thing for the next set. My quilts tend to be a little - maybe 1/4" - 3/8" or so less in the middle so the difference is fudged. It works.

The time I didn't do it, back when I was wildly experimental, I had mitered borders and had to do some ugly tucking-in. What works in other areas of sewing is sometimes just not enough to make the grade for quilting.
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