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Old 08-29-2014, 08:13 PM
Super Member
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Utah
Posts: 1,318

My squishys came today! I'm going to say ditto to Billi's quote! Everyone thank you so much!

Thank you all I am blown away by it all......
when I decide to swap my goal was to get out of my comfort zone a new block, new colors new idea's new something. Everyone of you were successful in providing me with that. Colors I would not have used, fabrics I would have shied away from or a block I would not have made....choices I would have been afraid of. I am absolutly thrilled with every single one of them, once I get the clover blocks I will do my best to turn them into a beautiful quilt.

Jane thank you for bein a great hostess[/QUOTE]
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