Old 09-03-2014, 04:49 AM
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Colorado
Posts: 3,536

Pat - love the bookmarks
Karen Good luck on the job.

Mary - In Oct 1991 I started to study to get my GED. That Dec. I took
my tests and a few weeks later received my GED certificate in the mail.
The following Spring the Community College hosted the first ever Cap,
and Gown ceremony.
One of the ladies standing next to me was an 80 year old! For 2 years
she had been going to A.B.L. classes (Adult Beginning Learning) she told
her family that she was going to the movies, to church, to bingo... which
ever day of the week it was. Her family had NO clue what she was really
doing, they just thought it was good that she was being "active".
The Christmas before the ceremony she had mad photo copies of her of
GED, had them framed and gave them to each family. She only had a 4th
grade education when she was a child.

Moral of the story, You're NEVER to old to go back to school.

Way to go!
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