Old 09-03-2014, 11:38 AM
Power Poster
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Long Island
Posts: 24,820

For those who wanted to know what Zoey did on Labor Day:

Zoey ran from the living room to the bed room with great excitement. She was waiting for Patches to pull up on his little blue motorbike. Zoey felt Patches was silly at times, but she liked him anyway. She was wondering if he'd wear his black biker jacket on a warm day, He always wore that biker jacket when he rode on his motorbike. And to top that off. He wore an eye patch, but she soon found out, he didn't really need it. He would forget what eye he had worn it on, so he switched it back and forth, from the right to the left eye. Zoey found it charming. What a silly boy! she soon heard the putt, putt, putt of the motor onhis bike, and ran to the portal under the bed. pushed the button and zoom, she was outside waiting for Patches. He had promised her an exciting afternoon, and she was ready. Patches told her to wear her best tankini, and she put on her best hot pink one. Patches helped ZOey onto the back of the bike, gave her a pink helmet with a rhinestone fancy Z on the back and took off. They were heading to the lake, and zoey had a hard time sitting still on the ride there. She wrapped her paws around Patches waist and settled her head on his shoulder. It wasn't a far ride, about 5 miles, but Zoey was very impatient to get there.
Patches pulled into the lot for the lake and parked the motorbike.. It was the last official weekend of the summer, so it was really crowded. Patches, being ever so gentlemanly, helped Zoey down and took her helmet off her head. He grabbed the small basket he stored on the back of the bike and zOey grabbed the blanket and both ran to the sand. Patches helped Zoey spread the blanket out and they put down the picnic basket. Zoey saw the kittens playing by the shore line with their moms close by in a semi circle watching them ever so closely. The girl kits were all laying on their blankets sunning themselves. The boy kits were in the tall grass, all acting like toms, pushing each other and swatting at the minnows hiding in the tall grass. some were kicking a catnip ball around. boys! She saw Patches run down the wooden dock by the man who was assigning the jet skis. Zoey jumped up and down with excitement. She had never been on a jet ski, and Patches was always ready for some wild fun. Patches took off really fast and mad a spray of water like a rooster tail. He pulled up to the edge of the dock as Zoey ran to meet him. SHe jumped onto the jet ski, Patches settled her on and they took off. racing back and forth across the lake, zig-zagging over the clear warm blue water. The water splashed in their faces, and Zoey waved to the kits on the shore. When Zoey thought nothing in the world could get better than holding on to Patches and jumping the little waves from the other jet skis, she noticed a man on a dock out in the lake. She saw they were heading toward him and he had rafts. Kits were rafting on the back of the jet skis. She thought that this was the wildest adventure she was ever on.
They pulled up to the doc, and Patches spoke with the man who helped him tie up the raft to the back of the jet ski.
Zoey jumped on to the raft and held on tight. All the jet skis on the lake were making little waves and Patches took off and towed Zoey on the raft behind him. He was going fast now, and hitting all the waves, bouncing up and down as the drove around the lake. Zoey squealed in delight. "More Patches, More" Zoey screamed. After awhile Zoey was dripping wet and Patches was getting hungry, so they put the jet ski by the dock. They both ran to the blanket they had spread out earlier. Zoey started to dry herself off, but decided to lay out like the girl kits were doing. Patches handed a her a bottle of water, which Zoey gulped down. Having fun can get you thirsty, Zoey thought. Patches handed her some crispy bacon, Zoeys favorite. After the bacon, Zoey knew Patches always had a surprise for her. He didn't disappoint, he had some fresh caught mice, just for her. After their lunch, they sunned themselves and fell asleep like all the other kits now sunning themselves on the sand.When they woke up, they could see the sun starting to go low in the sky, and knew it was time to start heading home again. What a great day they had shared together, an exciting motorbike ride, to a jetski and then tubing. Patches helped Zoey off the bike in front of her house, took her helmet off for her, and fluffed her fur. She waved goodbye to Patches and thanked him for a fun and exciting afternoon, as she stepped onto the portal that would wisk her back into her home.
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