Old 09-07-2014, 04:30 PM
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Join Date: Jul 2014
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I saw the circleeze, but decided to go with Perfect Circles because I found more YouTube videos on how to use them. If they have a whole bunch of different sized circles like the Perfect Circles set does, just find the circle that's the right size, trace it & then go 2 sizes up from that. Place your running stitch down the middle, put in the right-size circle & pull. Once you figure out how to do the first one, the rest move along super fast. I couldn't be happier with my Perfect Circles. I kept trying & trying & trying to get my circles round using only my needle & drawn line; then, I used freezer paper. Finally, I caved in & spent the $12 for the small Perfect Circles set and my applique work has been zipping along ever since. Regardless of whether I'm using the wrong name for what I do, I get rave remarks on how beautiful & soft the applique is at my quilt guild. Sometimes we need to break the rules to get to where we want to be.

With the Perfect Circles I don't need glue or fusible or anything like that. No freezer paper. Just trace, cut, sew, pull, press & applique onto the quilt.
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