Old 09-08-2014, 10:44 AM
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Colorado
Posts: 3,536

LOVE seeing all the pretty and neat items.
Keep on posting the pictures.

I am SUPPOSED to be working on a suitcase cover sleeve for Louise.
But am waiting for my design to get digitized. Tried to do my own
digitizing of the design over the weekend and failed miserable at it.
Which is why I paid $20 for someone else to it properly.

I SHOULD be sewing, but instead have been sitting here at the computer.
In my defense though I am taking a break, since I have been hit and miss
at cleaning house today (mostly miss ). I DID get both the bathroom and
kitchen floors swept, & mopped but I need to go over the kitchen hardwoods
with some of the Orange Glo so they shine again.

Did dishes, and so far 1 load of laundry (towels & bath rug). Next up is starting
MY laundry (hubs does his own), than maybe I will vacuum...lol depends on my
mood though.
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