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Old 09-11-2014, 08:42 AM
J Miller
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Join Date: Feb 2012
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Originally Posted by Rodney
I didn't think of the bobbin winder. I was thinking a broken belt 9if that machine uses one) might be the problem.
This particular type of machine uses a hokey bobbin winding set up. There is no stop motion knob like the older machines. When you snap the bobbin winder to the right it disengages the inner hand wheel from the outer wheel.
That's why you can still turn the machine with the hand wheel, but the motor won't turn it. This design is cheap and poorly made as well and can be knocked out of order easily.

I know the better quality machines are better than the WalMart specials, (it don't take much to do that), but I still cannot bring myself to like or even enjoy using them. They are usually noisy and have a cheap rasty sound to them.
I've listened to a few of the high dollar quilting and embroidery machines in use at a sewing machine store that leases a space in JoAnn Fabrics. Ugh, the sounds makes my teeth cringe! And of course the computers inside put them outside my ability too.

However exercising the visual inspection while comparing it to the text of the adds is a useful skill to develop, and that is what I tried to do.

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