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Old 09-18-2014, 05:05 PM
Jeanette Frantz
Super Member
Join Date: May 2012
Location: Florida
Posts: 1,585


I am so sorry about the flood in your basement. In 1982, Ocala had a record rain -- something like 16 inches in one day. The shop where my husband worked was flooded by the excess from the retention pond across the street. I had driven to the shop to pick him up (we had a vehicle in the shop). The wind and rain had damaged the roof on the shop so employees were covering custom-built cabinets to keep them from getting wet(ter). Just a few minutes after I arrived, the water poured over into the shop premises. Fortunately for me, one of the guys there had a four-wheel drive vehicle and pulled my car up a rise and over a hill before it was damaged by water. By the time we left that evening, we waded water 3+ feet deep to get out of the building.

To try to shorten a long story, I sympathize with you on the flooding situation and wish I could help, but I'm too far away and too down-in-my back to be of any use to anyone right now. Sometimes just knowing that others care helps lighten the burdens! We do care!

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