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Old 09-18-2014, 07:36 PM
Tink's Mom
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Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: chicago, IL
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So sorry, Joe...
I understand about the flooding...we used to flood everytime that it rained. We finally had to invest in flood control, which was way too expensive, but cheaper than losing so much every time it rained. Our insurance wouldn't cover the flooding and they wouldn't give us a policy for flood due to knowing we flood.
If I was in better shape right now I would drive down to help...but I'm having a flare up from my R.A. or Fibromyalgia. Dr. would have a fit if I attempted a drive that far...
I never had anything on the floor of our basement...everything had to be on a shelf at least 8" off the floor. I even had empty paint cans behind the old sofa so that I could put the sofa and chair up on the cans. If you can start bleaching a little at a time it will help.
Don't overdo it...we need you here. (((HUGS)))
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