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Old 09-24-2014, 04:28 AM
Geri B
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Originally Posted by Sewnoma
They ARE really cute, but as someone who is "new" to the world of vintage sewing machines, I think there are a lot of other machines that are much more interesting looking and probably sew just as well.

I get caught up in fads sometimes, and at my guild classes someone always has their FW out so I wanted one for a little bit too, but every time I thought about actually having one I realized I didn't actually want to use it. Yes it's small and portable, but I bought a modern small/portable machine that does way more than a FW why would I need a FW too?

I'm glad I know about them, so if I see one at a garage sale for ten bucks I'll know it's worth it. But barring a killer deal like that...nah. Not for me. Adorable...but not for me.

(I DO like the custom-painted ones, but again...I'd probably rather get a more interesting-looking machine custom-done. )

That's what happened to me....heard how great it was...had to have one! Got one for $200.... Decided I don't like stuck with one wants it sits in the corner......give me new and more than straight stitch.....
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