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Old 09-27-2014, 05:00 AM
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Originally Posted by marcias View Post
I have been trying to figure out what you did to get that pattern on the last pic in the upper right and lower left. On the front of the quilt it is in the green squares. Love all of it, but that I can't figure out how you made that design.
Marcia in TX
It's a very easy filler design. Just place your needle in the upper left corner of any square, as you stitch bring your needle down and curve it back up toward the outside center of the square, then curve it gently to stitch into the upper right corner of the square. (at this point if you turn your square 90 degrees you will notice the stitching makes the left side of a heart shape). Continue across to top seam lines of how many square are connected, then on the last square in that line (when you reach the upper right corne)r bring your needle out, curve back to the center and down to the lower right corner (following the seam line). Next bring your needle out and up moving to the lower left corner of the square in the same manner. At that corner move your needle to the right of the seam line up, out, back in making the upsidedown half heart shape (along the seam line) ending at the upper left corner of the block. Now stitch back down along the left side of that seam line making a rightsideup left side half heart shape. Continue this way until all squares have stitching on the four sides. Clear as mud, right? Draw a few square on paper and practice this you will soon get the hang of it. Makes a wonder, easy and fast way to quilt and can be adapted to also fill triangles.
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