Thread: Cost increase.
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Old 09-30-2014, 07:37 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Sep 2014
Location: Texas
Posts: 113

Who is EB? (I know who EZ is for knitting but I'm clueless about EB.)

I am jumping into quilting with both feet (got a baby blanket nearly finished) and took advantage of Craftsy's sales this fall to purchase a few classes. I have completed two of them and will probably complete a third within the week. I like the format, I like that I can refer to these classes over and over, I like that I can, on a sleepless night, turn on the computer and watch in my nightgown. I like that I don't have to travel an hour to get to a quilting class and I like that I can watch three Lessons in a day if I so choose. Having said all that, some of the classes I bought are better suited to my needs than other ones and a couple them I'm not sure I will ever finish. If I drove that hour to the classes in the next town I would find the same situation: sometimes I would be pleased and sometimes I would be disappointed. Especially when Craftsy has a sale, as they just did, I feel they are worth my money. And even those classes which I don't find stellar have still taught me things. Possibly some of that is because I am learning this craft from a beginner's standpoint, but still...

Definitely I also use YouTube and other tutorials but often the film quality is poor and very often the teacher seems to be trying to race through her material as quickly as possible. Plus, I can't ask questions there as I can on Craftsy. I am using all these mediums to learn. It's working for me.

~ Carla ~
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