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Old 10-07-2014, 05:31 AM
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Join Date: Jul 2013
Location: BC Canada
Posts: 400

Originally Posted by bearisgray
I have come to the conclusion that for some of us that make only a few things - that buying "as needed" - even if paying full LQS prices for the materials - one would still spend less - in the long run - than acquiring stacks and stacks of fabrics - even when they were on sale - that are piled up unused.
HOW TRUE......Now that I have all this fabric, a lot of it I wonder why I bought it. Some of it I still don't want to cut into. My quilting years will never come near my fabric years. My sister is just starting to quilt and she is doing it like I would if I started again. One project at a time. If she see fabric she must have then the project goes into a bag and when she is finished the one she is working on....she has the next project ready to go. Too much fabric so little time comes really fast. Anyone can have a stash, not everyone can have quilts.
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