Thread: Suggestions?
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Old 10-27-2014, 11:05 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Feb 2013
Posts: 1,340

Sorry to hear about your dry spell. I was wondering if you were having feelings of loss as well, and that's why you weren't quilting. Joining a group might help. Do you have projects started that you haven't completed? Join the UFO group here, that has provided me with a lot of motivation. Do you have a friend that sews? Schedule sewing days where you can spend the day together, each working on your own projects.

As far as FMQing is concerned, all I can say is practice, practice, practice (I can't believe I'm saying that. I hate hearing it!). Leah day has WONDERFUL youtube videos to watch and TONS of ideas. You can start small - placemats perhaps.

This might sound strange, but it worked for me. I enjoyed the process of picking the fabrics for a pattern and piecing. This was before I knew about Elmer's school glue so I HATED sandwiching quilts. Consequently I had a ton of quilt tops finished but not completed. Then I joined the UFO group, made a goal to finish at least one a month, and with the great advice and positive comments of the other people here, I have gotten my list down from three pages to one (hopefully by the end of the year)!

Check in here on your progress. This is the best group of cheerleaders ever!!
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