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Old 10-29-2014, 05:08 PM
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Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Central Willamette Valley, Oregon, USA
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I got a DH funny for ya! When DH and I got together, I bought one of the silly can openers where you just push a button and it travels around the can for you. Worked great for a while, then would not work anymore, so I bought a cheap mechanical one. It worked for a few days then it quit working also. I went through about seven can openers, and everyone worked perfect when new, but within a few days they would not work anymore. I was beginning to think they are all made of pot metal or something....then one day I was making spaghetti and DH offered to open the cans for me. I said sure. After he went back to sit in front of the TV, I tried to open the can of chopped olives he missed. The stupid can opener didn't work anymore! What the? So I called DH back in the kitchen to show him, and he tried it. It worked just fine for him. Arrrrg! That is when I decided to watch him open a can. Light bulb moment! Duh, he is left handed, and everytime he used a new can opener, he was holding it so tight, that he actually bent the can opener into a lefty model! I gave him his own lefty opener and now my can opener works great! Lol! Men, can't live without them, and it is illegal to shoot them! lol!
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