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Old 11-08-2014, 11:45 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Hudson Valley,NY
Posts: 238

Second machines are so important. Someme of us have many. I love my 6600 for quilting and decorative things but prefer my 301 s for piecing. They are really pretty cheap compared to a featherweight. I have bought some off of Craigslist for $50-60 on up to $ 100. I paid a lot more on EBay plus shipping before I smartened up. These machines can be maintained by YOU, no repair bills. No computer, just beautiful straight stitches. If you can afford a Featherweight, go for it. I just think they are too expensive in comparison to my 301s. They are easy to travel with, only 16 lbs. I think there are lots of great, used machines for sale. I have heard that the old Kenmores were workhorses too. Watch Craigslist and if you see something you like, make an offer. I usually offer about half of what they are asking, they are not made of gold. Good luck!
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