Thread: singer 328k
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Old 11-09-2014, 08:57 PM
Jeanette Frantz
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Ragqueen03, I have a 328K -- have had her since 1963 -- it was the first Christmas present from my husband after we were married in September. She's been a great machine and continues to sew well. I did not set out to collect sewing machines, but if my son keeps on, I will have more than I know what to do with! LOL! I can't imagine what type of "foot" or attachment was on her. Get us some pictures and some of us will know. If it's a ruffler, keep it. That one can be expensive to purchase! But then, you probably know more about that than I do!

The machine will serve you well -- she may be a little noisier than other machines, but she'll do a good job for you!

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