Old 11-10-2014, 05:16 AM
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Originally Posted by JeanieG

I use the fusible interfacing to bond the two pieces of batting back together before I quilt each section. I don't really consider it a QAYG project. The whole quilt top and backing is the finished size - the only thing I do different is cut the batting into 3rds. I quilt first the middle, attach the batting back on one side via about 1" to 1 1/2" of fusible interfacing, quilt that section, then do the same with the other side. You could also whip stitch the interfacing back together by hand, I have done this also. They actually have pre-made strips to fuse the batting together, but I just cut the interfacing myself - much cheaper. (Clear as mud!)
Thanks, Jeanie. I was on quilt retreat this past weekend and someone else suggested the same thinbg with fusible interfacing. I may try it, the only concern is that you'll feel that from the outside of the quilt. No one has mentioned that as a problem, however, so maybe I'm worrying about nothing.Thanks!
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