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Old 12-13-2014, 02:40 AM
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Originally Posted by LoupEsprit View Post
I think I've narrowed it down, and will be doing my mini this weekend. I have to finish a high-chair tutu for a 1st birthday party, then I'll be able to settle down and sew tomorrow. I could use the therapy! You know it's time to move on to a new job when you think about being home when you're at work, and dread work when you're at home!

I have two new (to me) machines I have to sit down and figure out. They're both older, so it's going to take some patience, as I have no clue how to thread them even! If only I could stop collecting UFOs I might be able to do the necessary stuff (like organize my disaster-area of a sewing room and set up my new machines, and try free-motion quilting)

Can Stay-at-home-quilter be considered a job option??
In a word, YES!
But, I'm pretty sure though the "pay" can warm your heart and feed your soul, it can't warm your house nor feed your tummy...dagnabbit!

Unless you do some of that quilting for others for "real pay".

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