Old 12-24-2014, 03:37 AM
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Originally Posted by Jan in VA View Post
Here in the USA we are surrounded by images of snowy countrysides, sleigh rides, icicles, ice skating, and cozy fireplaces during the Christmas season.

Random thought on the way home from the grocery store this afternoon (what a mad house, but that's another topic!).... how do Aussies celebrate Christmas when they are in shirt sleeves and shorts? What are their Christmas images? Special events? Please share!

Jan in VA
The events differ culturally here. Some people like to have picnics or barbeques at the beach or near a pool. Our group always think it is too hot to do that. We all cook the night before and bring everything to a big table to share in the cool of the afternoon or evening under shady trees. We burn lots of mozzie resistant candles and chat about world events and have a solution to all the problems of life. We are all children of Polish, Italian, Czech and Japanese immigrants (friends since our teens) and so everyone looks forward to our times together. There is always a giant, difficult or 3D jigsaw puzzle to do after eating and everyone pitches in to complete it. This year, we are going to an Indian restaurant that has a Bollywood - style floor show as nobody wants to cook!
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