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Old 01-07-2015, 06:32 AM
NJ Quilter
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Originally Posted by Littletree View Post
For some reason, I would rather make bed sized quilt. Mostly like cotton fabrics. I have looked at several pattern but don't want to get over my head and never finish. For me I am just starting a stash of fabrics. There was a quilt pattern I was interested in but cannot find the pattern. They raffled off quilt and granddaughter school. Still looking for it.

Thank you for advice.
If you want to do a bed quilt - go for it! Frankly, I wouldn't worry too much about stash at this point. Your tastes will change, probably quickly and you could end up having a bunch of 'what was I thinking' fabrics. Save your $$ for the moment.

Think about using large blocks at this point - 12" (finished) blocks. As long as they aren't too intricate, you'll get in the groove of making the blocks and it won't take a bunch of them to get to a bed sized quilt in relatively short order.

You can also check out for some inspiration. They have blocks listed by name and by size and rate them all by degree of difficulty. Choose a large block that does not have excessive or overly difficult piecing.

When choosing your fabrics, once I have the block/pattern picked out, I then find my main fabric. Depending on how many other fabrics you need for your block/quilt, like others, I then wander the store picking out those. I tend to gather up what I 'think' is going to work and find a spot in the store to sit on the floor and line up the bolts of fabric in ratio to how those fabrics are going to go together in the block/quilt. In other words, if I have a 3 color block, I'll get my main fabric and the 2 that I think I want to go with it. If the other 2 fabrics are in equal proportions in the block, I'll set those down under the bolt of main fabric with proportionately enough of the other 2 bolts/fabrics showing to see if they really work the way I think they will. Lay them on the floor or prop against a wall and stand back - get some perspective. I might decide I really, really like one of the lesser fabrics and choose a different focus fabric some times.

At any rate, that's how I go about selecting fabrics.
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