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Old 01-12-2015, 12:13 PM
Alawai's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2014
Location: New England
Posts: 82

Excellent post Miriam! You all nailed it right on the head. The biggest reason for me is mainly the historical factor. It connects me to my Mum who taught me how to sew on her black industrial singer. When I am at these machines, I especially feel a deep connection to all the seamstresses who came before me. Who sat at the very same machine. The women who sacrificed and pinched pennies in order to make a living for themselves and their families through their efforts. I always marvel at how something humans created could be so aesthetically beautiful and functional yet amazingly simple! They remind me of strong black horses that carried their riders through everything but nevertheless were put to pasture too soon. Even under generations of dirt/rust/grime, the old black sewing machines look so radiantly noble to me.

ETA: Miriam, please ship ThayerRags a chicken nugget. Even the thought of garlic roasted lizards is making him hungry!

Last edited by Alawai; 01-12-2015 at 12:16 PM.
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